With cancer at epidemic levels, it’s important to know your medical options. The good news is that there is more help available than traditional doctors and oncologists offer. And best of all, these innovative, effective methods are far easier on the patient than anything offered by conventional medicine.
If you or someone you know has been diagnosed with cancer, I hope you’ll take a few minutes to read this issue. Even if you don’t have cancer, you should be aware of what I’m about to share, because this is the kind of information you won’t hear from other sources and certainly not traditional doctors.
Cancer is currently at epidemic levels. The American Cancer Society estimates that 1 in every 2 men and 1 in every 3 women will be diagnosed with cancer over their lifetime. Those are not encouraging statistics, but there is a silver lining here. Let me tell you about it.
Conventional cancer treatment consists of three basic strategies – surgery, radiation, and chemotherapy. But here is what you need to know – there are other, highly effective options for treating cancer. While most traditional oncologists (doctors who specialize in treating cancer) will not mention these therapies, integrative physicians have taken cancer care to an entirely new level, with gentle, innovative, life-sparing treatments.
While these techniques and treatments are changing the face of cancer care, most people are not yet aware that they are available. That’s why I hope you’ll read this issue. You may not need the information now, but we all know there are no guarantees in life, and cancer is an equal opportunity disease, striking young, old, rich, poor, men, and women equally.
A Better Way To Use Chemotherapy
The first thing I’d like to talk is about chemotherapy, because I want you to know about revolutionary changes that have made it far more user friendly. No doubt you’ve heard horror stories about chemotherapy, including nausea, vomiting, hair loss, ulcers, and other devastating side effects.
As a physician and medical director of Oasis of Hope, a state-of-the-art cancer clinic in Irvine, California, I consider chemotherapy a useful tool, but one that is widely overused and misused. Conventional medicine overwhelms the patient with chemo. Generally, the goal is to reduce the size of the tumor, but there are two things wrong with this approach.
First, the drugs used in chemotherapy are highly poisonous to all cells in the body, not just cancer cells. This method “fries” cells throughout the body, damaging the DNA in very unhealthy ways, and often leaving survivors to deal with devastating changes to other organs.
Second, this scorched earth method of treating the disease is not necessary, nor does it work very well. For example, a 2004 study revealed that adding chemotherapy to radiation and surgery increased a patient’s 5-year survival odds by just a fraction over 2%! Those are not promising statistics.
By contrast, I’ve gotten very impressive results for my patients using Insulin Potentiated Targeted Low Dose (IPTLD) chemotherapy, a method that requires only 10% of the amount of chemo drugs of standard treatment. Currently, as far as I know, I’m the only female doctor in the United States treating patients with this innovative technique, even though it has been around since the 1940s.
With IPTLD, patients avoid all the downsides of chemo — and yet they get even better results! How is that possible? IPTLD works by tricking cancer cells, which have ten times the number of insulin receptors as non-cancerous cells, into opening those receptors at the same time as we administer a very low dose of chemo.
As a result, the cancer cells absorb a disproportionately high amount of the chemo and healthy cells absorb much lower levels of the drug. Generally, the patient experiences no side effects and doesn’t have to sacrifice their quality of life in the process.
Lifesaving Therapies You Need To Know About
Patients often ask how Oasis of Hope manages to score such a high success rate with only a fraction of the drugs used in standard chemo treatments. Actually, we do a great deal of work to prepare the patient for chemo, strengthening the body and building up the immune system, then follow up with additional post-treatment methods. Here’s a brief look at just a few of the pre- and post-treatment possibilities.
Hyperbaric Oxygen Therapy
When patients are given drugs during chemotherapy, the drugs can’t tell the difference between malignant and healthy cells, so they attack everything, causing considerable damage in the body.
IPTLD eliminates that problem, allowing the chemo to target cancer cells exclusively. But to maximize the effectiveness of our low-dose chemo, we use a hyperbaric oxygen chamber, which makes the process easier on the patient and improves the cancer-killing ability of the chemo. We call this method Oxidative Preconditioning Therapy, and combine it with supplements targeting the individual’s specific needs.
If you’ve never tried it, hyperbaric oxygen therapy is a safe method of providing cells throughout your body with more oxygen than they can get from breathing. The benefits are well documented. Spending time in a hyperbaric oxygen chamber encourages production of stem cells and growth factors, two elements that stimulate healing.
Unlike some medical treatments, a session in a hyperbaric oxygen chamber is a pleasant experience. I do it myself whenever I have time (each session lasts from 60 to 90 minutes). You simply enter the capsule – you can see outside the capsule, so it’s not claustrophobic — lie down, and relax. If you like, you can watch a “feel good” video, or you can just enjoy doing nothing.
The doctor will place a mask over your nose and mouth, and you simply breathe in and out normally. Since the hyperbaric chamber is pressurized, your lungs are able to consume as much as three times the amount of oxygen as they would with regular breathing. At the end of the session, you may notice that you feel stronger and more energized than when you began. Many people comment that even their appearance changes for the better.
Hyperbaric oxygen isn’t just for treating cancer, though. It’s been used for infections, healing wounds and burns, stroke, chronic fatigue syndrome, and arthritis, among other things.
Ultra Blood Irradiation Therapy
This may sound like something from a science fiction novel. But ultraviolet blood irradiation (UVB) therapy is actually an FDA-approved technique that allows us “cleanse” the blood and remove various toxins, bacteria, and viruses. In the process, we stimulate the immune system and increase the number of cells available to attack cancer cells or other unwanted organisms.
UVB therapy can be used for conditions other than cancer, including inflammation, skin disorders, detoxification, and poor circulation. Last, but far from least, it also improves a patient’s tolerance of chemotherapy or radiation.
Genetic Testing
The IPTLD works so well in part due to another groundbreaking tool I rely on – RGCC (Research Genetic Cancer Centre) tests. Among other things, RGCC tests provide me with a profile unique to each individual, showing which cancer drugs and natural substances work best for each patient.
In conventional medicine, oncologists tend to use specific types of chemo for certain cancers. But the RGCC tests can tell me that a patient with lung cancer will actually respond best to a drug usually used for skin cancer, simply because of his or her individual differences. Obviously, this is vitally important information. Not knowing which drugs work best for a patient is like putting a Band-Aid on an individual who’s having a heart attack – what’s the point? Using the wrong chemotherapy drug is going to destroy the patient’s quality of life while doing very little to the cancer. RGCC tests allow me to avoid that problem.
ONCOblot Test for Early Cancer Detection
Treating cancer can be a tricky business. With trillions of cells in the body, how can we keep tabs on the ones that are healthy and those that have become malignant? At Oasis of Hope, we use several different testing methods, including the ONCOblot. This test recognizes a specific type of protein, known as ENOX2, that is found only on the surface of a malignant cancer cell.
The ONCOblot Test is highly sensitive, with the ability to spot a cancer when it consists of only 2 million cells. That may seem like a lot of cancer cells, but it isn’t. For comparison, identifying cancer in a mammogram requires a tumor composed of nearly 5 trillion cells! So clearly a tumor consisting of only 2 million cells is very tiny and would be missed by any standard tests available today. Not only can the ONCOblot identify cancer proteins, but it also tells us which organ they are located on. This is a huge improvement on standard tests that may identify a protein, leaving the doctor to track down the location.
There may come a day when cancer is a thing of the past. But for the time being, if you or a loved one is diagnosed with the disease, please don’t give up hope, because there are better options than most people realize. Just as importantly, take time to explore the possibilities until you find one that seems right for you. In future newsletters, I’ll talk about other important developments in cancer care and prevention, so please check back often.
Last Updated: August 16, 2018
Originally Published: May 21, 2013