The Science-Based Benefits of Omega-3s for Your Heart

We can’t stress enough, if you’re not taking the right amount of omega-3s, you’re missing out on optimal health, particularly for your heart.
Science continues to confirm what we’ve shared with our readers for years about the amazing benefits of omega-3s.
What is a Meta-Analysis?
In science, meta-analyses are incredibly important and compelling for arriving at an integrated conclusion and general trends across multiple studies.
During meta-analyses, researchers review several already-published studies, combine data from all applicable studies, and base their conclusion on all the collective information.
Since meta-analysis results show clear and undeniable patterns in studies that often include thousands—sometimes hundreds of thousands of participants—this type of analysis is very convincing.
All this to say, one such extremely compelling meta-analysis was published in September 2020, and the conclusions confirm even more strongly just how important omega-3 essential fatty acids are for cardiovascular protection.
Why Eating Fish Alone Doesn’t Cut It
Published in Mayo Clinic Proceedings, this meta-analysis included a review of 40 clinical trials with a combined 135,267 participants. All the studies looked at the effects of omega-3 supplementation on outcomes of various cardiovascular problems, including heart attack, heart disease, angina, stroke, heart failure, peripheral arterial disease, and sudden death.
The collective outcome was clear: omega-3 intake reduced risk of coronary heart disease (by 10%) and heart attack (by 13 %), including fatal heart attacks (by 35%). Moreover, supplementation significantly lowered risk of heart disease related death by 9%.
The benefits appeared to get better with higher omega-3 dosages. Taking an additional 1,000 mg daily (above and beyond the recommended 1,000-2,000 mg per day) decreased cardiovascular disease events by an extra 5.8%, and heart attack risk by an extra 9%.
The researchers wrote in their conclusion:
“The current study presents strong evidence that [omega-3] supplementation is an effective strategy for the prevention of certain CVD [cardiovascular disease] outcomes... Considering the relatively low costs and side effect profiles of omega-3 supplementation and the low drug-drug interactions with other standard therapies used in primary and secondary CVD prevention, clinicians and patients should consider the potential benefits of omega-3 (EPA/DHA) supplementation, especially using 1,000 to 2,000 mg/day dosages, which are rarely obtained in most Westernized diets, even those including some routine fish consumption.”
These results are simply remarkable—and prove even more that omega-3s are crucial to cardiovascular health and protection.
Pharma Approves Prescription Omega-3
Omega-3s are fats necessary for normal, healthy function, but the body doesn’t can’t manufacture them on its own, so they must come from diet or supplementation. Omega-3s are found in flaxseed, chia, and walnuts, but by and far, the richest natural source is fatty fish such as herring, salmon, mackerel, sardines, and trout (omega-3 supplements are created using these fish as well).
Yes, eating fish regularly will boost your omega-3 reserve. But you would have to eat large amounts of fish to get the optimal amount. As the researchers noted in their conclusion, truly therapeutic levels must be obtained through supplementation.
You may already know that the FDA has approved a prescription omega-3 called Vascepa. Your doctor may even recommend that you take this product, as it is the only truly “safe” option due to its regulation as a drug.
But that’s not necessarily the case.
Long before the pharmaceutical industry (finally) patented their “safe” formula, the supplements industry championed omega-3s for heart health support and overall health.
The market is flooded with natural formulas promising great benefits for your ticker, but how can you know which is the safe alternative for you?
3 Things to Look for in Safe, Natural Omega-3s
While there are plenty of low-quality supplement companies out there, there are also some that go above and beyond to make sure their products are safe, effective, and produced with the utmost care and attention to detail.
Looking for the “Good Manufacturing Practices” (GMP) reference on the supplement bottle indicates the company has followed strict guidelines set forth by the FDA for proper manufacture, testing, storage, safety, and efficacy.
Additionally, third party testing of supplements provides an extra layer of certainty that the product contains the ingredients listed on the label in the stated dosages, does not contain impurities, and has been made using safe, sanitary practices and procedures. Some well-respected organizations that conduct such testing are NSF International (NSF) and United States Phamacopeia (USP). Look for that as well.
Newport Natural Health meets these criteria, which takes the guesswork and worry out of supplement buying. If you want a high-quality, well-tested, high-dosage omega-3 product, look no further than Omega-D3 with Astaxanthin. It is a high-quality product that offers therapeutic, cardioprotective levels of omega-3s (and without the fishy burps). Learn more about this customer favorite here.
The Evidence is Clear
The 2020 meta-analysis supports what we write about regularly: omega-3s are powerful, natural support for your heart.
With few side effects and a host of benefits, adding an omega-3 supplement to your daily routine is one of the smartest things you can do to protect your heart and overall health.
Finding the right safe, natural solution for you couldn’t be easier. One or all three of the seals of approvals (GMP, NSF, USP) on the outside of the manufacturer’s bottle gives you peace of mind when shopping for what you put inside your body.
Take good care.
Bernasconi A, et al. Effect of omega-3 dosage on cardiovascular outcomes: an updated meta-analysis and meta-regression of interventional trials. Mayo Clin Proc. 2020 Sep 17;S0025-6196(20)30985-X.
Disclaimer: Please note the date of last review or update on all articles. No content on this site, regardless of date, should ever be used as a substitute for direct medical advice from your doctor or other qualified clinician.
Last Updated: January 16, 2021
Originally Published: January 16, 2021